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Virtual Team Building Activities during COVID-19

Day 50 of lockdown with the total confirmed cases of 217, the hit of the global crisis and pandemic COVID-19 is so hard that it takes time to process it, synthesize, and react. Everyone knows that the world is staring down the barrel of recession. The viral contagion is ravaging economies, individuals, and livelihoods. Amid all these whirlwind of uncertainty, the IT sector manages to thrive while there has been a disruption in various sectors. Working from home may be easy for some as avoiding interaction gets easy but the multiple opportunities that we get to meet and talk every day in an office environment go missing. While the casual conversation and fun-filled activities in our workplace are underrated, chances are likely that those conversations and actions were keys to building the teams and enhancing the bond.

With everyone getting indoors, connecting virtually is the right thing to do at the moment. And the same implies to the IT sector where various people are working remotely. As social distancing can escalate the feelings of isolation and loneliness, virtual team building activities can be incredibly helpful as the struggle has been real lately. So, here are some essential fun ideas to help your employees or colleagues connect from afar.

Virtual Coffee Time

The double C, code, and coffee are perfect for anyone who works in the IT sector to get rid out of the morning blues or to cope up with the pressure. Virtual Coffee Time can be beneficial to bridge the gaps that lockdown has been creating. You can schedule a time with your team and make sure has a coffee or any beverage he/she prefers. And make sure to have a casual conversation, from movies to vlogs or from cuisines to politics.

Once Upon a Time

When it comes to unleashing creativity, this game can do wonders. Some of the ground rules can be you should build a story, a fictional one. One should make sure that every person in the team should get a chance in sequential order to add a sentence to the story. The key to this game is, one should build the story in such a way that when it reaches the last order, there should be a conclusion. It is hilarious to give you a hearty laugh. Super Easy, Super Fun!

5 Second Rule

The familiar game, which is tried rarely in the office environment, can be implied in the virtual model. In this game, teams can be divided as per the number. The key to this game is answering questions within 5 seconds. Your question may vary from funny to informative and one can be certain that you will be gasping for air to have the questions answered within 5 seconds which can make this game even more entertaining.

Truth or Lie

This game is an easy one to bring out into virtual team meetings. You can decide about the number of lies and truth not exceeding 4 and mix it up so that the team will identify the truth and lies. This game is a great and fun way to know your colleagues even better.

Quarantine Karaoke

You might have good memories to recollect when it comes to singing in person but having a virtual quarantine karaoke can be another level fun. You can use YouTube to find an instrumental version of your favorite songs and feel the music and fun together.

Whiteboard Pictionary

It’s been a while that we haven’t scribbled. Whiteboard Pictionary, the classic one can leave your teammates guessing for keywords while you are drawing. There are various options available on the internet which can be carried out virtually.

Amid the uncertainty and information being circulated in abundance, it’s high time we take a look at our physical and mental health. IT sector seems to get less affected during this lockdown but letting your hair down now and then is essential so that we can accept the ongoing situations and continue to thrive.


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